Youth Football Onside Kick Formations 3 Proven Alignment Diagrams

youth football onside kick formations

I primarily use 3 youth football onside kick formations. These are time tested and proven onside kick alignments for us. You can see the onside kick formation diagrams below; Reggie, Mickey Mouse and Opie. These are our Onside Kick call s for Regular to Our sideline kick, Mickey Mouse for Middle Kick and Opie for the Opponent or Opposite sideline onside kick. These calls and alignments work out great for 90% of the youth football teams.

Youth Football Onside Kick Formations

Your Sideline Onside Kick Formation

onside kick formation youth football

Middle Kick Onside Kick Formation

youth fb onside kick formation

Opponent Onside Kick Formation

onside kick formation diagram

Here’s a good article on youth football onside kick formations.

Did you like the onside kick formations? What are you teaching for youth football onside kick formations? Do you onside kick very much or deep kick?

Special Teams is the 3rd phase of football is maybe the most overlooked in youth football. Make sure to focus on this 3rd most important phase of the game. Great Special Teams play in youth football will win you many little league tackle football games. Focus some good practice time on onside kicks.

If you have any questions about Special Teams, Onside Kicks and or youth football, please Contact Me anytime.

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